For New Realtors
Beginning a Career in Real Estate? Your Career Starts Here.
Are you a driven, people-oriented person who is looking to make a difference? A career in real estate can open you up to new, fulfilling opportunities where no two days are the same. If you are considering real estate as a career, ask yourself:
- Am I a confident and positive person who has good listening skills and excellent communication?
- Do I want to set my own schedule and be my own boss?
- Do I like working flexible hours?
- Am I willing to put my clients' needs first?
If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, we invite you to take the next step in the application process.
Becoming a Registered Sales Representative
Real estate agents must become registered in order to trade in real estate in Canada. As educational and regulatory requirements vary by province, make sure you find out what is required in your province.
To become a real estate sales representative in Ontario , you must:
- Successfully complete the courses through your provincial real estate association or council.
- Submit an application to your provincial licensing body, along with sponsorship from a licensed real estate broker (essentially an offer of employment).
- Maintain your license by completing additional courses as required by the province.

Becoming a Realtor
For more information about how to become a registered Real Estate Sales Representative please see the information at the following links...
Humber College
Real Estate Council of Ontario, Real Estate Registration:
A career in real estate can be a very rewarding profession. You will have the opportunity to
- meet people from all walks of life
- have flexible hours
- be your own boss
- make a difference in people's lives by protecting their families and their assets
Thank you for your interest in our brokerage.